Historic Bath Foundation Preservation Award
The purpose of establishing an award ceremony is to provide recongnition of persons who further enhance the historic aspects of the Town of Bath and to subsequently encourage further preservation efforts.
Awards will be considered for an individual or organization who demonstrates an outstanding committment to promoting historic preservation through restoration, renovation or adaptive re-use of contributing structures, interpretation and/or living history efforts, preservation leadership, outstanding service, historic research or compilation of archival information, and demonstrating a high standard of working with historic buildings or the historic landscape.
Please submit nominees and an explanation as to how the nominee has exhibited exemplary preservation ethics to historicbath@yahoo.com by September 15th. Include in your description the following: name, address and telephone number of the nominee and the person submitting a nominee for an award, indicate which category best describes the nominee'e efforts, explain in detail the nominee's accomplishments and the broad reaching effect of enhancing the historic aspects of the Town of Bath.
The HBF Board of Directors will review summaries of nominees and make a decision at their September meeting.
Our award ceremony is ordinarily held in December. Please keep an eye on our calendar of events for the Award Ceremony date.
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