Membership: increase membership to 300 by 2017.
Website development: have website up and running by February 1, 2012.
Foundation Information Brochure: mail updated brochure February 1, 2012.
Biannual Newsletter: first mailing November 2011.
Historic Research Assistance: update walking tour brochure to share a fuller story of Bath: pending support Historic Bath State Historic Site.
Historic Structure and Significant Landscape Inventory: develop list and photographs: support Town of Bath. 2014 - Town of Bath has decided to manage this in-house. Funding from HBF deferred.
Sponsor Special Functions/fund raising: two per year.
Community Involvement Through Participation in Existing Events: four per year.
Focus Group Discussions with Bath Area Organizations to Enhance Strategic Plan: four per year.
Museum Development: created a document which safeguards locally donated artifacts remain in Bath- completed, enetered into an agreement with the State Department of Cultural Resources to create a gallery to display art and history artifacts - attained agreement September 2016.
Artifact Donation and Temporary Storage: research temporary storage area for locally donated artifacts; permanent artifacts will be stored on the second floor of the northwest wing of the old Bath High School.
Program Development: brainstorm with local Bath area businesses in order to share resources.
Collaborative efforts with Areas Organizations for Grant Applications: combine resources to enhance chances of grant awards.
HBF has worked with both BHSP and the Town of Bath in grant writing endeavors. BHSP has received funding from GoldenLEAF and the Town of Bath deferred funding from DENR regarding PARTF funding.
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